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The Nissan 30 hp 4-Stroke |

The Nissan 30-hp 4-stroke provides the total package to any boater.
It offers top-notch power and fuel economy second to none! The 30 hp 4-stroke is a
lightweight motor designed with features normally only found as standard equipment in
larger motors. The 30 has Digital CD ignition for fast, quick starts. It also has an
alternator and rectifier that together give you charging capabilities to run onboard
Our gear case, computer designed for cutting through the water with remarkable ease, our
precision machined gears for smoother running, and our tough no-holds-barred approach to
engineering are just a few of the reasons the Nissan 30 4-stroke is built to withstand the
toughest of boating conditions. It also has visual and audible warning systems for both
low oil pressure or overheat situations. A larger capacity oil reservoir provides optimum
lubrication to all of the vital engine components and a canister style oil filter makes
basic engine maintenance a snap!
Here to View the 30 hp 4-Stroke Specifications:
 For A Brochure, Pricing and Availability Call:
West Coast Inflatables 4227 B Lozano
Lane, Fairfield, Ca 94534
Comments/Questions e-mail Us At wcinflatables@aol.com
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