After years of painstaking research and extensive testing, our 50 TLDI (Two-Stroke, Low
pressure, Direct Injection) is ready to take ship! The Nissan Marine 50 TLDI is the
smallest 2-Stroke outboard on the market with air-assisted, direct fuel injection. This
outboard provides exceptionally smooth operation and outstanding performance all the while
providing superior fuel and oil efficiency. This outboard is every boaters dream!
The 50 TLDI is already being heralded as
the outboard to buy! With our proven 2-stroke
block, we have added this new low-pressure air/fuel delivery system to give you an
outboard that is cleaner for the environment while also giving you
the highly delivered performance you expect from Nissan. This engine guarantees
lower oil and fuel consumption in a compact yet powerful outboard package Our 50 TLDI weighs up to 15% less than competitive 4-stroke
outboards and meets all 2006 EPA regulations as well as all CARB (California Air Resource
Board) requirements through 2007. It offers many of the same features as the 2-stroke
carbureted 50 hp while providing you with several new features such as dual TPSs (Throttle Position Sensor) to provide precise air
flow to maximize fuel efficiency and minimize emissions, a rev-limit sensor, a water
temperature sensor to prevent possible damage from overheating, and a visible oil level
sensor for low oil level.
state-of-the art technology with proven dependability to offer you this truly unique